Mayday 2024 Abanning

On Saturday April 27th, the Ondheim Theodish Fellowship gathered at Thunreshof to celebrate May Day and perform our Sigrblot.  Despite weeks of heavy rains, we were granted the gift of a perfect spring day for our gathering.

In the tradition of our tribe, lunch was followed by workshops. Our workshops are designed as an effort to build upon the bonds of community between tribe and guests, as well as further the education and understanding of our members and friends.  First on the afternoons workshop list was Erik Karl’s presentation on linguistics and the roadmap between modern languages all the way back to Proto Indo European language.  A truly fascinating examination of how language has evolved over time!  Next up was a breakdown of the elements of Ritual and how to design and perform different rituals within our community and faith done by William Lord.  A face to face explanation of the “Anatomy of a ritual” article on our website with some question and answer time for those who are developing their own personal, ancestral, and landvaettir rituals, which is a very important process for the development of our spiritual paths and practices.


After some more socializing, practice sparring, and axe throwing practice, we moved on to ritual and the tribal Sigrblot was held, sacrificing a forged spear to Odin for victory in the trials of the coming year.  Ritual was powerful, and the post rituals omens all showed as well received.  Ritual was followed by feast, and the calling of the raffle winners, with so many prizes donated for the raffle, much money was raised for the tribe, and many wonderful prizes received, from jewelry to honey, to god statues, and even a tanned squirrel hide

done by one of the children of the tribe.  The generosity of the folk was incredible, and folk and guests alike won…


Symbel followed feast, and was an awesome event, filled with well spoken toasts, singing, and best of all, the official acknowledgement of the freeing of Jon and Ali thralls, as they have now earned their freedom and join the ranks of the full membership of the tribe.  Congratulations to them as they have proven their might, mettle, and worth!



Odin grant us the wisdom to discover the right!

Thor grant us the strength to make it endure!

Freyr grant us prosperity in our work and worthing!

All Hail the folk of the Ondheim Theodish Fellowship!

Ondheim Leadership Update

As of July 7, 2021, with great regret we must inform our membership of the resignation of Joseph Bloch, and Karen Bloch from Ondheim Theodish Fellowship. After a dispute with other tribesmen, Joseph refused to bring the matter to thing or arbitration and called for the removal of the other person without having the matter heard before the folk or arbitrated on by William Lord. When his demands were not met he chose to resign and leave the Fellowship. In Theodish belief, leadership is service, and we are all responsible for and accountable for our actions, but we have systems in place for due process that must be followed. NO ONE is above that, including the leadership itself.

Ondheim Launches Online Bookstore

Ondheim Theod is pleased to announce the opening of our online bookstore on our website. We have a number of titles on topics including contemporary religion, history, history, mythology and folklore, magic, and a special section for kids.

A portion of all sales will go to benefit our tribe, and many more titles will be added in the coming weeks. Enjoy!

Ondheim Receives 501(c)3 Recognition

We are enormously pleased to report that today Ondheim Theod received the formal notification from the IRS that Ondheim Theodish Fellowship a NJ Nonprofit Corporation is a tax-exempt organization.

Donations to the tribe are tax deductible, and we are now eligible for many different programs at various businesses, don’t have to pay sales tax on most items we purchase for the tribe, and have access to facilities like libraries that we otherwise would not.

This is an enormous milestone in our tribe’s growth, and I hope you’re all as excited at the prospect as we are.

Theod Founding

Our tribe was formally constituted on Walpurgisnacht, April 30th, when William Lord heard the hold oath of Joseph Thane, thus joining the Luck of their two respective houses. This was done at a private event, held with due respect for social distancing restrictions currently in effect.