Freedom of Conscience

Freedom of Consciousness is a foundational principle of Theodism.  In our modern host society, many people have been conditioned to believe that In order for them to be around other people, they have to agree on every “major” issue in their life.  The problem with this is that it creates a situation where you are never exposed to different opinions, creating an echo chamber and limiting a person’s intellectual experience or ability.  Within Theodism, a certain amount of diversity of thought is considered a boon.  For example, many modern people refuse to socialize with people who support different political parties or who have strong opinions on social or current event issues.  In Theodism, we believe that someone’s non Theodish or outside of events opinions and actions are their own and they have every right to them,  they are not the business of the tribe unless they somehow adversely affect the tribe’s gefrain of it’s members.  The goal of this is to make Theodism Apolitical and maintain that our spirituality exists separate from unrelated modern social causes.  The purpose of Theodism is to build community and strengthen connections, and politics and social causes regularly create division and strife.  Because of this concept, Theodish events are regularly a place for spirited discourse on a plethora of topics.  It is a well known fact that discussions with intelligent people of varying opinions are by far the most fruitful when it comes to expanding understanding and learning.  This is why it is a foundational key concept within Theodism.  We don’t have to agree with each other, but Thew demands that we remain civil and respectful in all interactions within the tribe.  As a result, everyone learns and understands each other better, even if they will never agree…