Winternights 2020 Abanning

The tribe gathered at Joseph Thane’s home to celebrate the transition of summer into winter. A grand tent was rented for the occasion, and the warm day was the scene of much merriment as children were at play, swordplay was practiced, and many good conversations were had.

After Joseph thane gifted his thralls with matching polo shirts displaying the Ondheim bear, the day began with a live dramatic presentation of Odin’s visit to the volva wherein he learned of the coming death of Balder. This was our tribe’s first foray into what we hope to turn into a regular feature of our celebrations; ritual dramas and plays.

The blot was done according to the thew of the tribe, starting with a processional chant, wherein the folk and guests of the tribe processed to the site of the sacrifice, bearing with them the gifts that were to be given to the Gods. In particular, a straw ram was offered, stabbed in such a way that the mead contained in a bladder within poured out onto the horg, emulating an actual sacrifice. Other goods were also sacrificed to the Gods while the folk performed a ring-dance around the horg.

Feast later ensued, with the tribe’s culinary feats on grand display. Roast pork, potato leek soup, fresh breads, and much more were laid out for the folk to enjoy. Also, as is our tradition, a plate was prepared for the land wights, in thanks for their friendship and onlooking onto our rituals.

Sumble was held, and another great tradition was upheld; the singing of songs. Both Richard thrall and Joseph thane took up harps to sing, and others gave voice in the hall. A guest, Collette, sold herself into thralldom, and Karen karl paid the pennies that the new thrall might learn of Theodish Belief and the tribal thew of Ondheim at her knee.

The night ended with much talk and merriment around the fire pit, until the wee hours of the night.

Hail Ondheim Theod!

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